Business Class InternetMore about business internet service


While many small businesses will find a simple residential high speed internet connection to be adequate for their needs, your business may have some unique requirements or may benefit from business class broadband and related services. We'll review some of the high speed internet connection options and other useful tools available to large and small businesses alike.

Depending on the size of an operation and it's bandwidth needs a variety of options exist. Let's review a few of the top business high speed internet options.

DS3, T3 and OCx Connections

These are enterprise level fiber optic and multi-channel connections for medium to large businesses or those running mission critical bandwidth intensive operations. Essentially a direct connection to the backbone of the Internet. Speeds from 43 MBps and up.

T1, DS1 and Broadband PRI Service

A T1 is a dedicated multi-channel PRI (Primary Rate Interface) connection supporting voice and data with upload and download speeds from 1.5 to 6 MBps. While modern DSL services can typically provide these speeds, T1 connections support high speeds in both directions which make them suitable for running Internet servers, VOIP phone systems and other upstream dependent operations. Additionally, T1 connections are subject to a more stringent Service Level Agreement (SLA) and are more suited for critical applications which cannot tolerate downtime. Lastly, since a T1 involves the provider running a direct line to the customer, they are more widely available than DSL. While a full T1 consists of 24 channels, fractional T1's consist of fewer channels of dedicated service.

Business Fiber

Although many residential fiber providers are now offering synchronous internet connections and high data limits, business class fiber services will include a more stringent Service Level Agreement (SLA) and 24/7 technical support. Business fiber plans may also include services such as segregated business and guest wi-fi, improved security services, managed traffic and network services and fixed IP addresses.


Typical residential DSL service is actually ADSL or Asynchronous DSL meaning that the download speeds are high, but the upload speeds are low. This restricts customers from running internet servers or bandwidth intensive VOIP phone systems from their residential connections. Business class SDSL connections are synchronous - they support high download and upload speeds. IDSL service is designed for use on existing ISDN lines and replaces ISDN service.

Business Class Cable Internet and Satellite

Business class cable and satellite internet services can provide businesses with extra services over residential customers such as higher speeds, static IP's and higher levels of technical support. These internet services typically include 24/7 high level tech support and may include a whole host of security services including managed intrusion detection, firewall's, attack mitigation, anti-virus, anti-spam and web filters.

Does your business need any of these connectivity solutions? You might, but even if you don't your business may benefit from these related services.

Billing and Service Aggregation

If you have multiple locations in need if high speed service, it may be helpful to have centralized billing and service contacts.

VPN and Ethernet Network Services

VPN (Virtual Private Networking) and Ethernet Private Networks can help securely connect multiple locations, off-site employees and telecommuter's to your business network.

Business Class Voice Services and Phone Systems

Business class phone services can be integrated with your business high speed internet provider for improvied communications and simplified aggregate billing.

Can your business benefit from business class Internet services? Let us help you find the best business high speed internet solution at the best price.

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