DirecTV Deals, Plans and Prices
Top Deals from DirecTV
- Full packages from $69.99 per month!
- Whole-home DVR included at no extra cost.
- Exclusive home of the NFL Sunday Ticket.
- 2 Year Price Lock + Visa® Reward Card Offer
Special Offers Available when you Order Online!
Packages from $69.99 per month for 2 Years + Visa® Reward Card Offer
Special Bundle Offers on AT&T Services + Visa® Reward Card Offer
Subscribe through Streaming or using a Satellite Dish + Visa® Reward Card Offer
Features of DirecTV Services
- Packages ranging from 145 to more than 300 channels.
- Exclusive home of the NFL Sunday Ticket.
- Stream over any Internet connection or subscribe with a satellite dish.
- Multi-room HD DVR services.
- Live streaming and remote DVR control via the DirecTV tablet, PC and phone apps.
- Qualify for additional discounts and online-only deals including AT&T high speed internet service.